Schizopora cystidiata

David & Rajchenb. 1992 Mycotaxon 45: 140.

Select illustration:


Holotype: La Reunion, Tévelave, leg. A. David, 04.04.1987, AD 2744, Herbarium LY.


image basidiocarp

Resupinate to effusoreflex, irpicoid or poroid, white to cream-coloured, margin lighter, the resupinate part of the basidiocarp more than 2 cm large. Pileate part of the fruit body slightly up to 1 cm in radius, bottom a little radially striated, basidiocarp without pores 2 mm thick. Pores 2-4 per mm, positively geotropic growth, pore walls up to 500 ╡m long.


5-6 x 3-4 ╡m, ellipsoid, smooth, thin-walled, inamyloid, with one droplet each.
10-15 x 3-5 ╡m, young clavate, mature shortly squat, clavate up to suburniform, with one basal clamp each.
Four, up to 2 ╡m long.
Ampullaceous cystidia, 10-20 x 5-6 ╡m, thick-walled (up to 1 ╡m), with apikal hypertrophy, which is strong incrusted with big rhombiform crystals (see as well the lageno cystidia of H. arguta and Sch. flavipora!) The cystidia arise only from the hymenium with one basal clamp each. In older fruit bodies is it possible that these cystidia apear in a large number, so that the analyse of the hymenium is much difficult.
All primary septa with one clamp each.
Hyphal system monomitic. Subicular hyphae 2-5 ╡m in diameter, thick-walled (up to 0.5 ╡m). Subhymenial hyphae 2-5 ╡m in diameter, thin-walled. Subhymenial hyphae very densely running, very difficult to analyse under microscope. Basal hyphae and hyphae in the caps more loosely running.
The pore walls are constructed of parallel running, thick-walled or thin-walled hyphae.

Habitate and substrate:

No data available.


There are to less uniquivocal identified specimens known, to allow an exact statement about the distribution. Yet it is striking, that all investigated specimens, encluding the holotype and collections from A. David (David 1992) , are from warmer areas (Mediterranean, Madagascar, Australia).


Sch. cystidiata as well as Sch. flavipora are poroid relatives of Hyphodontia with effuso-reflex or even pileate fruit bodies. Their distinction is quite difficult. It can be expected that many herbariums have records under the name Poria flavipora and their synonyms (see Sch. flavipora), representatives of Sch. cystidiata . The best character for distinction of Sch. cystidiata is the numerous presence of lageniforme cystidia, which are thick-walled and apically incrusted with a crystaline cap. The spores of Sch. cystidiata and Sch. flavipora only differ a little by their length.
                 Cystidial apex                  Spores

Sch. cystidiata  with big crystalline cap        5-6 x 3-4 ╡m

Sch. flavipora   with small big crystalline cap  4-5 x 3-3.5 ╡m

Sch. cystidiata as well as Sch. paradoxa and also many other representatives of the Hyphodontia relatives produce so called drepanocysts on hyphae in pure culture(David & Rajchenberg 1992) .

Herbarium specimens:

Italy, Latina , Cicero Nationalpark, Selva de Cicero, leg. K. Hjortstam, K.- H. Larsson & L. Ryvarden, 22.-25.10.1984, Hjm 14974, Herbarium O.
Madagascar , Environs d┤Ambato finandeaha, 1600-1800 m alt., leg. R. Decary, Februar 1938, Herbarium O.
Australia, Victoria , Brisbane Range, ca. 30 km west of Melbourne, leg. L. Ryvarden, 05.09.1981, LR 18813, Herbarium O.

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Dr. Ewald Langer - 16. Nov. 1995